Complaints Procedure
We aim to deal with complaints promptly, courteously and efficiently. All complaints will be taken seriously with as follows.
1. The person who deals with complaints in the practice is Dr B Murphy.
2. If the complaint is verbal and details will be listened to and either referred immediately to the complaints officer in an attempt to resolve immediately. If this is not possible details will be taken and arrangements made to reply as soon as possible.
3. If the complaint is in writing this will be dealt with by the complaints officer.
4. The letter will be acknowledged within two working days and a copy of this policy enclosed.
5. The complaint will be investigated fully and we will attempt to reply within 10 working days. It may be necessary to arrange a meeting with the patient to fully understand the circumstances.
6. Complaints involving clinical care will be referred to the dentist involved unless the patient does not want this.
7. We will confirm the decision about the complaint in writing on completion
8. Comprehensive records of all complaints will be retained.
9. If patients are not satisfied with our procedure they can complain to:
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman
4 Melville Street
Tel no: 0800 337 7330
A request for Independent review has to be made within 28 days of completion of local resolution